
I am a light artist and musician based in Charleston, South Carolina. Light and sound fascinates me. So my work is the fruit of those explorations. Whether it be long exposure photography, LED panels, or projections, there are many ways light can produce art. I’ll use any technique possible to share the visions. The most common technique is using painted plexiglass over an LED panel. Then various ways are used to remove paint to reveal the light, this could be burning the paint, scratching it away or dissolving with a solvent. In essence painting with light.

3 years ago I fell down the modular synthesis rabbit hole and haven’t looked back. Modular synthesis is a limitless exploration of sound design. Each synthesist builds their own instrument as the next step is taken. The main challenge is stopping the expansion long enough to explore the current instrument. If your in the same boat you know what I’m talking about.

This is also a platform for sharing my concern of Artificial Intelligence. AI is the next step in the evolution of intelligence. To say human evolution is misleading, as we can’t imagine the scale and the speed once we enter the singularity. We need to accept that AI is here and there is no stopping it. So instead of fighting it we need to concentrate on developing the roots for benevolent AI. This is our only chance. Leaders in the AI arena are warning super intelligence well be based on our AI foundation we develop now. We only have one shot at benevolent AI and that’s now.

I have no idea what the next step will be or where it will lead. The most fascinating aspect about the creative process that keeps pushing me is to find that space where there are no mistakes and the flow is followed. Thank you for your interest.

- Devin